Coming up soon!
Led by Marcelo José Domingos, Ph.D. from University of Texas at Austin, Espaço & Narrativas DF is an innovative electronic magazine dedicated to exploring and disseminating the rich historical narratives of Brazil’s Federal District (DF), with a special focus on the lived experiences and bodily histories of its inhabitants. This academic magazine aims to serve as an educational tool, bridging the past and the present by highlighting the diverse, embodied experiences of those who have shaped and continue to shape the Federal District.
Produced by teachers from the Department of Education (SEEDF) at the Historical and Geographical Institute of the Federal District, Espaço & Narrativas DF operates under the Agreement of Cooperation n.4/2023. Our dedicated faculty members are engaged in extensive teacher training, student support, and activities that promote and disseminate specialized knowledge about the Brazilian Federal District.
Aligning with the principles of the Transatlantic Bodies Project, Espaço & Narrativas DF emphasizes the importance of understanding historical narratives through the lens of bodily experiences and identities. By focusing on how bodies have moved, interacted, and been represented within the Federal District, we aim to foster a deeper, more inclusive understanding of history that acknowledges the physical and cultural presence of diverse communities.
Through this platform, initially available in Portuguese and soon in English, we invite students, educators, and history enthusiasts to engage with the embodied histories of Brazil’s Federal District. In doing so, we believe they will contribute to a broader conversation about identity, memory, and the significance of place in shaping human experiences.
Image: Map of Brasília-DF's Pilot Plan, 1957.
Brazilian National Arquives: Fundo Agência Nacional, do Arquivo Nacional / BR_RJANRIO_EH_0_FOT_EVE_06715_0007